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MYO Guide

Remember, all users start off with 1 free Basic Subspecies MYO slot!

Be sure to check out the other Basic Subspecies first before making your decision!

Understanding this guide requires knowledge of the Standard MYO Guide. Please read over that one first before continuing!

[Standard Guide]

[Draco Guide] [Sun Guide] [Naga Guide]

Pygmylytes were one of the first subspecies to arise and, as a result, one of the most common. They came to be from a simple mutation hundreds of years ago that led to a slightly smaller Astrolyte. Over time, they were cast away to the land mass that is now named Florya, where they eventually adapted to become even smaller to more easily navigate the dense forests. Their large forearms provide ample strength for digging burrows and tunnels, a vital part of the island’s architecture. An extra set of ears also help with hearing quiet and distant noises, allowing for safer traveling of the overgrown ground. The flower bud found on their tail is a bit of an evolutionary mystery — some lytes believe it was gifted to the species by their deity, Gaia, and some believe it was some unnatural magic mishap. However it got there, it seems to provide Pygmys with an enhanced sense of nature, leading to them being able to learn Growth magic much more easily.


Pygmyling Anatomy

Pygmylings are a Basic Subspecies, and come as a much smaller variant to the Standard Lavaling. They have many of the same features, such as a sloped face and small horns, but also have multiple differing features that separate them into their own category. They have two sets of small ears as opposed to the standard one, and a sloped back that accounts for the differences in limb size. Their shoulders are very thin compared to their thick forearms, and the arm should clearly curve back into a small hoof about the same width as the shoulder. A long, thin tail allows for Pygmys to have a small flower bud as a tail tip.

Lavalamp Placements, Colors & Markings, Lavalamp Colors

All of these function as normal for MYO Pygmylings, except:

Ear Placements turn both sets of ears into lavalamps!
Tail Placements do not turn the flower bud into a lavalamp!

Anything Else

Everything listed here previously on the Standard MYO Guide function as normal! There is an extra Pygmy-specific item to mention, though.

Flower Bud: The flower bud must be the lavalamp colors of your lyte! You can choose which colors you want for the leaves & the actual bud, but they must be from the lavalamps. If you ever change their lavalamp colors through any means, then the bud will change with them!

Here’s a good example of what a MYO Pygmyling could look like!

Pygmyling Example

Template & Description

Now that your lyte has been fully designed, just throw them onto a template with the proper description, and they’ll be almost to approval!
Click below to find Click below to find a PSD of the template, or click here for a PNG version! 

Pygmy Template

Now all you have to do is fill out the description for your lyte!
It’s the exact same info that is listed on the Standard MYO Guide, but under Species be sure to put Pygmyling!


The final step is to get your Pygmyling approved! 
Upload them to and create a forum post with the proper description filled in to give them an official date of creation! Once a forum post has been made, they can be submitted to the Astrolytes World and become an official lyte!

Since we are an open species, you do not need to wait for a mod to approve your lyte for them to be accepted into the world! Be sure to update your tracker with each new approval, as keeping track of your current lytes will rely on you!

If you need any additional help on the forums [how to code something in, image breaking, etc.], feel free to contact an admin or helper - we'll be happy to help!

Click Here to Visit the Lavaling Approval Forum!

If you would like to check in anyway, feel free to jump into our Discord! We have a specific channel called The Bakery that’s designed to help out with approvals!

To the right is an invite link to join!

Astrolytes Discord
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