Geneodes are a type of rock that hold minerals capable of altering the ferroii of Astrolytes!
There are many types of geneodes matching each type of ferrosome. They allow users to "carry" and trade unapplied ferroii they've received, be it from events, other users, or a shop. Users are responsible for keeping track of their own geneodes, and they will depend on links as proof rather than a mod-handled masterlist.
The exact source of geneodes is yet to be found, but most suspect they aren't formed completely naturally. The only place to buy them seems to be some shack just outside of Poplace, but nobody can tell who runs it.
To use a geneode, one must break it open while in close proximity. Once the geneode has altered whichever ferrosome it was connected to, it will lose its color and become a dull, greyish hue. When unopened or used, it doesn't hold any special power and is equivalent to any old rock.

Seemingly the most common [or maybe popular?] type of geneode, pinks are likely what one thinks of when imagining one of the rocks. They're nothing remarkable, but their insides are quite pretty for the short while that they're visible. They result in the Astrolyte gaining one standard Halogen ferrosome.
A more uncommon type of geneode, blues are more of an interesting find. They seem to have a far more limited range of ferroii to alter, though. They result in the Astrolyte gaining one Droplux ferrosome.

Fortunately a hard geneode to find, reds are often avoided for their harmful qualities. They result in the Astrolyte gaining one Injury ferrosome.

A much rarer, yet more exciting geneode to see. Even their outside rocky shell has much brighter colors than others, resulting in less informed Astrolytes occasionally putting them on display if they happen upon one. They result in the Astrolyte gaining one Event ferrosome.

One of the rarest out there, pales are quite the strange sight, often being mistaken for used geneodes. They result in the Astrolyte gaining one Special ferrosome.
Thankfully the rarest geneode, the black variation is avoided at all costs. They result in the Astrolyte gaining one Mutation ferrosome.

A used geneode, drained of its color. They don't serve much of a magical use afterwards, but are occasionally put on display or used as decoration.
A geneode that exists through rumor alone. There's no proof that these actually exist, but the myth is kept alive by theorists and pranksters.
Head over to the mysterious shack outside of Poplace to buy a geneode or trade one in!
Credit to user MAbsolGirl for the idea behind geneodes!