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If lytes have been in a relationship with one another for a long enough time, they may decide to get married!

It is not something that’s expected of all long-time partners, generally being the more uncommon option. Married relationships aren't seen as any more “real” than non-married lytes — just a choice there to fit certain preferences!

Preliminary Requirements

- If Astrolytes would like to marry, they must be at least 5 months old and be adults!

- You can either marry your own lytes or marry one / more of yours to another person’s lyte/s [as long as they approve, of course]!

- Your lyte's identity has no effect on who they can marry. More than just two lytes can marry, as long as the requirements are completed for everyone!

Art Requirements

There are 5 images that must be drawn before the marriage can become official! 

2 months have to have passed from the first image before anything can be approved!

If more than one user is involved in the marriage, split the work! Be it through collaboration or just alternating prompts, try to make sure everyone contributes an equal amount.

Prompt 1: Bonding

Your lytes have met and seem to be getting along! How do they get to know each other better?

Draw the lytes getting to know one another!

This image requires at least:

- A fullbody of each lyte involved in the marriage!

- A complex background!

- Relatively detailed shading!

- A short story [200+ words] related to the image!

Prompt 2: Fallen In Love

Your lytes have grown closer than ever! What do they do to make things official?

Draw the lytes on a date with each other!

This image requires at least:

- A short comic [3+ panels] illustrating the prompt!

- A bust of each lyte involved per panel!

- A simple scene background per panel!

- Relatively detailed shading!

Prompt 3: Casual Life

Your lytes have been together for while. What do they do on a normal day out/in with each other?

Draw the lytes’ casual life together!

This image requires at least:

- A fullbody of each lyte involved in the marriage!

- A complex background!

- Relatively detailed shading!

- A short story [200+ words] related to the image!

Prompt 4: Significant Visit

Your lytes have decided to make a special visit to a place that they find especially meaningful. Maybe this is the perfect time to ask about marriage?
A default place is often a deity’s sanctum, but it can be anything that means something to the lytes visiting. Some places may need an explanation if it isn’t clear what is special about the location. This is often where a lyte may ask to marry / propose if they know their partner/s is/are interested.

Draw the lytes visiting a place that is significant to them!

This image requires at least:

- A short comic [3+ panels] illustrating the prompt!

- A bust of each lyte involved per panel!

- A simple scene background per panel!

- Relatively detailed shading!

Prompt 5: Wedding Day

Your lytes have decided to get married! Do they invite anyone to go with them, or do they simply keep it to themselves?
Wedding necklaces come in many shapes and sizes, but a basic one is illustrated below! To link them, lytes simply need to visit one of the small pure water pools scattered around the islands and dip their necklaces into the pool at the same time. The necklaces should give off a soft glow for as long as they are linked!

Draw the lytes linking their wedding necklaces!

This image requires at least:

- A fullbody of each lyte involved in the marriage!

- A complex background!

- Relatively detailed shading!

- A short story [300+ words] related to the image!

Wedding Necklace

A basic wedding necklace. They vary in appearance, but always have a vitae flower encased in pure water!

Bonuses and Restrictions

Married lytes…

- Earn +3 Halogens when drawn together! If the other lyte/s are owned by another user, interactions can earn +1 Droplux!
- Get to choose 1 ferrosome to be passed down during breeding!

[the same ferrosome can’t be chosen twice in a row, and some ferroii are unable to be passed down, so be sure to ask first]
- Have an increased chance of rarer ferroii passing down during breeding!
- Are twice as likely to receive twins / triplets during breeding!
- Are twice as likely to receive Subspecies children if the marriage includes one!

[or are twice as likely to receive Secondary Subspecies children if the marriage includes a Basic Subspecies parent and a Secondary Subspecies parent]

They also experience...

- 1.5x longer cooldown periods after breeding!
- A decreased chance of rarer ferroii / other features passing down in the case of a breeding that isn’t with the lyte’s partner/s!

Marriage Form

To actually marry your lytes, fill out this form and submit a post to the Other forum!

Once the forum post has been created, the lytes will be officially married!

Astrolyte Names:

Lavaling Approvals:

Adult Approvals:

Marriage Prompts:

Ending a Marriage

Relationships don’t always work out! If lytes would no longer like to be married, 1 image needs to be drawn.


This is done in a similar fashion as initially linking the necklaces — simply visit a designated pure water pool and place them inside. They can be kept or discarded, but just function as regular pieces of jewelry without the link.

Draw the lytes breaking the link between their necklaces.

This image requires at least:

- A bust of each lyte involved!
- A simple scene background!
- Simple shading!

To end the marriage between your lytes, fill out this form and submit a post to the Other forum! Once the forum post has been created, the lytes will no longer be officially married.

Astrolyte Names:

Marriage Approval:

Ending Prompt:

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