Planet Craven

Craven is the planet on which Astrolytes live!
It is almost completely covered in oceans, save for a few rare landmasses — five, to be exact. They are named Lucerula, Unkiri, Aitsua, Florya, and Zima, and they are held in place by a powerful magic.
The sky is naturally a light purple / pinkish hue, turning a deep purple at night! Occasionally, streaks of other colors can be seen running through the sky, often correlating with spikes in the magic connected to the visible color/s. Intense magic spikes, such as those seen during events, have the ability to change the sky color near completely for their duration!
The water closest to and on the islands is a regular blue color, save for pure water pools, but the oceans grow more purplish the farther away from the islands one gets.
Lucerula is the largest island out of the five!
It holds the most diversity, both in the landscape and the inhabitants due to its size. Poplace, the capital, is home to the most Astrolytes and holds no connection to a certain subspecies or element. Most general shops and attractions are located here. A large flower by the name of the Grand Vitae is the centerpiece for Poplace, as it is the only one out of all the islands. Pure water drips from it’s petals into a surrounding pool, and most of the town is built around this plant.
Despite its large population, it seems that no lytes ever truly originate from the island, with roots only being found connected to the other four factions.

Aitsua is the second largest out of the five islands of Craven!
The climate is hot, arid, and harsh. Dracolytes and Zaplytes take residence here, Dracolytes in the bristling chaparral region and Zaplytes in the steppes surrounding a cluster of salt lakes. The capital is located at an oasis roughly in the center of the island, and it is one of the most culturally rich cities in all of Craven. Aitsua supplies all the other islands with electricity and places close second in the technological advancement department, being the only island with true cars and air conditioning. During the summers, when the dry and the heat is washed away by the downpours of the rainy season, the capital of Andham is lit up vibrantly with the celebration of the Rainbow Revelation.

Unkiri consists of a collection of smaller land masses that, when connected, form the third largest island of the five!
Full of mountains and valleys with tons of huge mushrooms, pumpkins and leaves scattered on the ground, colored in dull reds and oranges as if it is stuck in a constant state of autumn, It is home to Sunlytes and Bonelytes. The capital island, Huije, is the biggest section of Unkiri, as well the most technologically advanced place on the planet. Lytes can be found all over the little broken islands, though most reside around the middle for easy access of the market and resources. Most of their buildings are high towers full of apartments for everyone to live in, but some reside inside the forests in cabins and small houses. Residents of Unkiri seem to have an old rivalry with those from Florya, but the worst of it has mostly fizzled out.

Zima is the fourth largest island of Craven, and the only one that isn’t floating in the sky!
Mountainous and cold, it is home to some of the toughest (and fluffiest) astrolytes and wildlife on the planet. Nagalytes and Plushlytes thrive in this harsh environment and can be found all over the island, with towns bordering most rivers and lakes. They trade primarily in mineral ore and warm clothing as well as many other natural resources, and their buildings revolve around these materials as well for the most part. Structures are usually dug into the ground if they're outside, but the cities of the highest densities can be found in tunnels and caves inside the mountains of the island where they're sheltered from the elements - especially in Zamorozka, the central mountain and capital city.

Florya is the smallest island out of the five, but makes up for this in the sheer amount of wildlife and plantlife it holds!
Pygmylytes and Mythlytes inhabit the dense forests that cover the isle, the former mostly sticking near the main town of Cedar Plaza in burrows and treehouses, and the latter tending to near the edges of the woods closer to the farmlands. Most important buildings can be found underground due to the uncontrollable amount of growth on the surface, and they have their yearly celebration of life during the spring months. The faction is most well known for its agriculture, supplying much of Craven's produce to the rest of the islands.