Event Ferroii
Welcome to the Event Ferroii page!
These are Astrolyte-only ferroii unless marked otherwise! They can only be applied during their respective events unless they are under "General," in which case they can be applied during any event!
Available during any other event period!

Split Pupils
Halogens Needed: 300
Other Requirements: “Pupils” ferrosome needed first! Your lyte must be 2 months old!
Pupils can be altered using Shaped Pupils, but they must remain the same shape unless Mismatch is applied! Pupils must remain the same colors unless Hetero-Pupil is applied. Only splits pupils into two!

Solid Eyes
Halogens Needed: 400
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte looking at something they love!
The entire eye becomes your lyte's iris color! The only ferrosome that can change them from being 1 solid color is Patterned Eyes.

Colored Teeth
Halogens Needed: 350
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte eating something with food dye or a strong natural dye! Your lyte must be 3 months old!
Can only be 1 solid color!

Patterned Tongue
Halogens Needed: 320
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte eating / chewing on something with food / colored dye! Your lyte must be 4 months old!
The base color must remain your lyte's original mouth color! The added pattern can be any other color. The pattern color cannot take up a majority of the mouth - if there is a pattern where one color appears more than the other, it should be given to the original hue. Must be patterns, not just a single shape or design!

Halogens Needed: 500
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte making an offering to a deity!
Can be styled differently as long as it is recognizable as a halo! Can glow. Can be any color. Offerings can quite literally be anything / be left anywhere, but are most commonly handmade & left in a designated location near the lyte's home / at the holy site of the connected deity. Gaia's site is a garden named Calys, Incendium's site is a vast system of lava caves, Aeryth's site is the largest piece of a broken statue of them, and Akoso's site is at the top of a mountain named Score's Peak.

Halogens Needed: 500
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte walking through a portal to another island! Your lyte must be 5 months old!
Rainbow Revelation
Available from June 1st - June 30th!

Mood Eyes
Halogens Needed: 650
Other Requirements: Draw a comic of your lyte expressing at least 4 distinct strong emotions!
There must be at least 4 different emotions clearly shown throughout the comic!
There is no panel minimum, but the story should have a natural flow to it and not just be 4 pictures of the lyte expressing said emotions.
There must be at least a simple background in each panel.
The emotion colors can be anything you’d like, but the “neutral” color must be their original eye color!

Spectrum Horns
Halogens Needed: 70
Evertoken Cost: 15
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte using a rainbow palette! Can be any rainbow colors, but should use a total of 7 colors maximum!
The gemstone can be transparent or any color. The horns projected must be the lyte's current horn type and can be affected by other Horn ferroii!

Spectrum Tail
Halogens Needed: 100
Evertoken Cost: 20
Other Requirements: Create a cutout silhouette of your lyte!
Must be cut out of a traditional medium [paper, cardboard, etc.]! Your lyte must be in the negative space! The gemstone can be transparent or any color. The tail projected must be the lyte's current tail type and can be affected by other Tail ferroii!

Pride Tail Tip
Halogens Needed: 100
Evertoken Cost: 20
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte showing their pride!
Can be colored to match any pride flag! Can either be heart-shaped or used to color other tail tips.

Rainbow Antennae
Halogens Needed: 150
Evertoken Cost: 20
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte daydreaming!
It is not an actual rainbow + cloud, only antennae with similar markings and a fluffy tip! Can be any rainbow colors!

Rainbow Tongue
Halogens Needed: 250
Evertoken Cost: 25
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte eating something sugary!
Can be any rainbow colors!

Color Mantle
Halogens Needed: 200
Evertoken Cost: 35
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte being hit by a Color Bomb!
It is not an actual rainbow, only a ring with similar markings! Can be any rainbow colors!

Lucky Tail
Halogens Needed: 200
Evertoken Cost: 35
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte winning a game of chance!
Can be any rainbow colors! Should be about the length featured or shorter unless affected by Slicker's Tail!

Balloon Tail
Halogens Needed: 250
Evertoken Cost: 35
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte falling!
Can be any color already on your lyte! Markings may be applied to it. It cannot pop or be untied. It can be any balloon shape!

Prism Tail
Halogens Needed: 300
Evertoken Cost: 40
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte participating in the Rainbow Revelation parade!
Can be depicted as opaque or translucent! It floats a little bit above where the tail would normally go.

Iridescent Markings
Halogens Needed: 325
Evertoken Cost: 60
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte covered in glitter!
Can be applied to any existing marking! This ferrosome does not create new patterns, it only adds the iridescent effect to current ones! Can be any color combination that conveys iridescence.

Spectrum Wings
Halogens Needed: 400
Evertoken Cost: 60
Other Requirements: Animate your lyte by making each frame a different color! This should be more of a fade between colors, not flashing! Be creative with what is animated!
The actual animation can be anything as long as the frames are different colors! Must be at least 7 frames! The wings can have any design as long as they are recognizable!

Stratus Halo
Halogens Needed: 530
Evertoken Cost: 60
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte cloud watching! Be sure to show off what clouds your lyte sees!
The cloud can be any shape! It is able to change weather according to the lyte's emotions or on command!

Rainbow Lavalamps
Halogens Needed: 0
Only obtainable through raffles!
Solar Submergence
Available from October 1st - October 31st!

Halogens Needed: 700
Other Requirements: Carve your lyte into an actual pumpkin for Halloween! We’re not asking for a masterpiece, but please put some effort in and make it recognizable as your Astrolyte!
The carving doesn’t technically have to be done on a pumpkin — any other gourds / fruits / vegetables are fine as long as you’re able to carve it!
The pumpkin’s insides become your lyte’s blood color, and the flame pupils stay as your lyte’s eye color!
Any facial fluff becomes leaves! The nose is triangular unless Shaped Nose is applied. The mouth should be smooth unless a teeth ferrosome is applied. Eyes can be any simple shape and can change with emotion.

Clinging Cobwebs
Halogens Needed: 50
Evertoken Cost: 15
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte with a spider crawling on them!
Can be any design as long as it’s recognizable as a web!

Possessed Eyes
Halogens Needed: 200
Evertoken Cost: 20
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte seeing something they wish they hadn’t!
Turns the entire eye pure white!

Cursed Eyes
Halogens Needed: 200
Evertoken Cost: 20
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte in complete darkness!
Turns the entire eye pitch black!

Electric Bolts
Halogens Needed: 150
Evertoken Cost: 25
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte in a thunderstorm!
Can be placed on either side of the neck and / or temples! They can be any metallic color or an existing color on your lyte.

Pumpkin Stem Horns
Halogens Needed: 50
Evertoken Cost: 25
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte carving a pumpkin!
Either the horn type shown in the image may be applied, or it can turn any existing horns into the same stem texture! Can be any natural stem color or the original horn color.

Candle Horns
Halogens Needed: 175
Evertoken Cost: 25
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte lighting or extinguishing a candle!
The melting "wax" should be a lighter or darker variant of the horn color. The flames can be any color already on the lyte, or a natural flame color! This is a Horn Texture!

Pitchfork Horns
Halogens Needed: 250
Evertoken Cost: 35
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte manipulating another Astrolyte! Your lyte must be 2 months old!
Can only have 3 prongs! This is a Horn Type!

Devilish Ears
Halogens Needed: 150
Evertoken Cost: 25
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte getting away with a crime!
Ears angle inwards and touch one another!
The crime doesn’t have to be something overly serious, just something you’re generally not supposed to do!
”he’s coming to break into your house but instead of stealing things he just moves your stuff around so you get confused in the morning” - admin chat

Flaming Wisps
Halogens Needed: 280
Evertoken Cost: 60
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte listening to scary / paranormal stories!
Can float anywhere along the body, but never touches it! They can be any color already on the lyte, or a natural flame color.

Lingering Lure
Halogens Needed: 350
Evertoken Cost: 40
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte stalking another Astrolyte! Your lyte must be 2 months old!
Only one glowing bulb surrounded by short fur. The lure can be any length, just try not to go crazy!

Lantern Tail
Halogens Needed: 300
Evertoken Cost: 45
Other Requirements: "Slicker’s Tail" ferrosome needed first! Draw your lyte snuggled up next to a fireplace! Your lyte must be 2 months old!
Lantern can be in slightly different styles as long as it’s recognizable!

Chimera Tail
Halogens Needed: 500
Evertoken Cost: 50
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte surrounded by something they fear! Your lyte must be 4 months old!
The snake can be any species and any reasonable length! They can either be a color on your Astrolyte already or mimic a real life snake’s patterns.
This tail is sentient, but can respond to bodily commands as if it were a regular tail.

Tentacle Tail
Halogens Needed: 500
Evertoken Cost: 50
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte swimming deep in the dark! Your lyte must be 3 months old!
Can be any color already on your lyte [+ slight variations depending on the part of the tentacle].

Skeletal Markings
Halogens Needed: 250
Evertoken Cost: 15
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte experiencing a nightmare! Your lyte must be 2 months old!
Can be applied to any part of the body as long as it at least vaguely follows a skeletal structure!

Spectral Whisps
Halogens Needed: 425
Evertoken Cost: 60
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte playing with Holifae!
Rounded “flame”-like texture that can be applied anywhere on your lyte!

Exposed Bone
Halogens Needed: 550
Evertoken Cost: 60
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte in pain! Your lyte must be 5 months old!
Can only be applied to one part of the body! Cannot be applied to lavalamp placements!

Phantom Wings
Halogens Needed: 400
Evertoken Cost: 60
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte dressed up in a spooky costume! Your lyte must be 3 months old!
Can be rounded or sharp! These trail off and are slightly transparent and gaseous instead of solid!

Bleeding Heart
Halogens Needed: 570
Evertoken Cost: 50
Other Requirements: Draw a comic of the worst day of your lyte's life!
The comic can be a flashback or new event! There is a 4 panel minimum, and you must at the very least show what happened, why it happened, what happened next, and how they recovered or moved past / are recovering or moving past the event! It does not necessarily have to be a life threatening or world changing event, just as long as the lyte in question considers it the worst experience they've had.
The ferrosome is a small heart-shaped indent on the chest with dripping markings underneath. The heart + dripping markings may be any color already on your lyte or their blood color! An arrow may be present, but isn't required. The arrow may be any color/s, but the tip must be heart-shaped.

Ghostly Print
Halogens Needed: 0
Other Requirements: Complete the Solar Submergence event!
Ghost-like shapes that wrap around your lyte’s body!

Haunted Heart
Halogens Needed: 0
Other Requirements: Complete the Solar Submergence event!
A small, glowing stone has attached itself onto your lyte’s chest. The stone can be any simple shape or solid color! The ghost is sentient and can communicate with your Astrolyte alone. No other lyte can see your personal ghost.
The ghost can vaguely reflect a certain character, or just be a general blob!
Starfall Festival
Available from January 1st - January 31st!

Star Stamped
Halogens Needed: 75
Evertoken Cost: 15
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte as a constellation!
Design a series of stars that can be connected to represent the lyte you'd like to apply this ferrosome to!

Halogens Needed: 60
Evertoken Cost: 15
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte playing with snowflakes / in the snow!
Can be any pattern as long as it’s clearly a snowflake! They do not have to be consistent with one another if there are multiple present on the design.

Glowing Nose
Halogens Needed: 100
Evertoken Cost: 20
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte interacting with a sleigh!
Can glow red or your lyte’s current nose color!

Asteroid Belt
Halogens Needed: 80
Evertoken Cost: 25
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte interacting with a Torz!
The Torz they interact with can be a real user-owned one or made up! The asteroids can be any color already on your lyte, or any natural brown / grey rocky color!

Constellation Horns
Halogens Needed: 120
Evertoken Cost: 30
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte seeing their own constellations in the sky!
Similar to cloud watching - they can see any sort of shape in the stars! The horns can be the original horn color or any very light / dark color! This is a Horn Type!

Twinkle Toes
Halogens Needed: 160
Evertoken Cost: 40
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte watching the falling stars!
Small, glittery whisps now trail behind your lyte's hooves! Can be any color.

Dreamer's Wings
Halogens Needed: 350
Evertoken Cost: 50
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte interacting with a Lavalyte!
Small wings that float above where they'd normally be connected! Can be any color already on your lyte.

Meteor Tail
Halogens Needed: 370
Evertoken Cost: 40
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte watching a meteor shower!
Small bits of flame fall away as the lyte moves! Can be any color/s.

Planet Tail
Halogens Needed: 370
Evertoken Cost: 40
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte looking through a telescope and their POV of what they see!
The two images should be on the same canvas or posted together! The POV should show what their view is through the lens. The planet can have any design!

Halogens Needed: 400
Evertoken Cost: 60
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte covered in snow! Your lyte must be 3 months old!
A layer of snow that permanently sits on your lyte’s back & head!

Sparkling Lamps
Halogens Needed: 630
Evertoken Cost: 60
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte with glitter in place of their lavalamps!
If done traditionally, glitter / sequins / similar substances may be used. If done digitally, textures / gif sites / etc may be used. The req image does not have to be color-accurate, but the actual ferrosome must remain mostly the lamp's original colors, but others in the same hue may be added to achieve the sparkle effect!

Star Cloak
Halogens Needed: 600
Evertoken Cost: 60
Other Requirements: Animate your lyte watching the different magic spikes in the sky!
Magic spikes result in differently colored skies - the time around Starfall produces an aurora borealis-esque effect! The animation should show different magic-related colors in a wavy or altering movement. We recommend looking up gifs / videos of the aurora borealis to get a better idea! Can be any color already on your lyte.

Lights Tail
Halogens Needed: 400
Evertoken Cost: 45
Other Requirements: Animate your lyte messing around with blinking lights! Are they hanging them up as decoration? Did they get themselves tangled in them?
Either variant may be applied! The right variant includes the fur in the ferrosome - "Tail Fluff" isn't required! The tails should be about the length pictured unless "Slicker's Tail" is applied. Lights can be any color already on your lyte or gold / white / green / red / blue! The animation may just be a flashing / glowing gif to show that the lights are blinking.

Galactic Gaze
Halogens Needed: 700
Other Requirements: Draw a comic of your lyte illustrating at least 4 Starfall-related activities!
There must be at least 4 different activities clearly shown throughout the comic!
There is no panel minimum, but the story should have a natural flow to it and not just be 4 pictures of the lyte participating in said activities. Try to show a progression of events or why the lyte is doing the activities!
There must be at least a simple background in each panel.
Any sort of space scene can work!
List of Possible Activities
- Stargazing
- Looking through a Telescope
- Investigating a Fallen Star
- Participating in a Festival Minigame
- Watching a Meteor Shower
- Interacting with a Kryg / Torz
- Creating something related to the Festival
- etc!

Halogens Needed: 800
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 5 months old! Make a snowlyte of the lyte you’d like to apply this to!
If you don't have snow around where you live, then any similar white substance will work [ex. coconut shavings, small marshmallows, etc.]. These snowlytes don’t have to be anything huge, just as long as it is relatively clean and is clearly readable as your lyte!
The lamps themselves must stay the same color as they were before! The only exception to this is that the lava blobs have the option of turning white / off white to represent snow. The landscape inside can consist of snowy hills, mountains, and trees. The lava itself turns a bit finer and is therefore seen in smaller but more frequent blobs / clusters. The landscape must stay in the same hue as the lava.