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Standard Astrolyte Grow-Up Guide

It’s finally time for your little Lavaling to grow up!

There are a variety of stances for them to grow into, so take your time choosing which one fits best!


In order to grow up, there are a couple requirements your Lavaling must meet!


- Your lavaling must be at least 1 month old! 
[To check their age, navigate to their approval upload and find out what day they were posted!

That day is technically when they 'hatched'.]
- There needs to be 2 separate fullbody images of your lavaling learning their desired natural magic skill/s and one extra colored image of them OR 3 separate fullbody images of your lavaling!
[These should at the very least be colored! Look at the Learning Magic page to see more

about the Natural Magic requirements!]


Click the correlating links below to see the adult stances for Subspecies!


Once you have those completed, it’s time to pick your stance! There are two categories of stances, those being Biped and Quad, and there are 3 possible styles under each!

You are free to give your lyte different body types, just be sure to keep it recognizable as their given stance when checking with mods for approval!

Standard Adult Stances

The Hopper Stance has two large hind legs that allow them to, well, hop around instead of walk! They tend to stand in a plantigrade position rather than the typical unguligrade one. They have a medium sized tail and relatively thin arms, as well as a fairly small upper body. When in motion, they look very hunched over — think kangaroo!

Biped - Hopper

Hoppers can pack quite a punch when they want to. Their thin arms don’t help much in the way of upper body strength, leading them to stray away from activities that don't allow them to play to their strengths. They often stick to environments like Aitsua and Lucerula where there is plenty of space to move and jump around!

Hoppers are often found in strength and speed-related occupations like professional sports players, bulk deliverers, and so on!


Biped - Raptor


The Raptor Stance has a sloped back and a large tail for balance! Their arms are very short, contrasting their long legs that allow them to be some of the fastest Astrolytes around. 

Raptors are built for speed, being able to move faster than any other Standard stance. However, their short arms make it so other more detail-focused activities such as tinkering or handling items are more difficult. Due to their affinity for running, lytes with this stance tend to stick to open environments such as Aitsua, Unkiri, & Lucerula!

Raptors are often found in speed-driven occupations such as messengers, racers, deliverers, herders, etc!

Biped - Humanoid


The Humanoid Stance has equal sized arms and legs, with a vertical back! They have a very small tail and have the same unguligrade legs as the rest of the stances, despite being so close to humans anatomy-wise. This is the tallest of the Standard stances.

Humanoid is a pretty average stance, not really having one particular ability that defines them [unless you count being able to reach the top shelf]. The general body type allows lytes with this stance to practice a wide variety of hobbies and occupations, leading to them being equally spread across the islands!

Humanoids tend to partake in fairly ordinary jobs such as shopkeepers, craftsmen, cooks, designers, and others that don’t require a very specific physical skill!

Quad - Prancer


The Prancer Stance has equally sized arms and legs as well, with a fairly straight back! Their tail is thin and a medium length, and their

neck + limbs are fairly long when compared to the rest of the body, giving them a fairly versatile anatomy to work with.

Prancers are a bit like the “Humanoid” of the Quad Stances, being the most average body type out of the bunch. Lytes with this stance are fairly well-rounded in their abilities, but do tend to be the fastest of the Quad types. In general, they are spread across the 5 islands equally!

Prancers often have fairly normal jobs like

Humanoids, but do lean towards speed-centered occupations like Raptors at times, such as messengers, racers, deliverers, and so on!

Quad - Tank


The Tank Stance has two massive arms and a back that sharply slopes down to meet much smaller legs! Their body is a lot thicker in general, especially around the chest and neck area. Their tail is short & stubby, and their neck is fairly long compared to some others.

Tanks are known for their strength, made clear by their name. While their large arms are great for dealing with heavy objects, they don’t lend well to finer work or speed. Surprisingly, lytes with this stance tend to stick to more closed-in environments like Florya and Zima and are quite skilled at weaving in between obstacles despite their bulky structure.

Tanks often can be found in strength-heavy jobs such as bulk traders, construction, movers, and more!

Quad - Stubby

The Stubby Stance has very short legs and a slightly extended body, leading to them looking very much like dachshunds anatomy-wise! Their tail is still just a short little nub, and their front legs are a little thicker than their back ones. This is the shortest of the Standard stances.

Stubby is the shortest Standard stance and is built to be able to weasel into tight crevices. Their stout structure doesn’t offer much in the way of strength or speed, but works well in close-knit environments such as Florya and Zima!

Stubbys tend to be found in occupations centered around detail work like craftsmen, mechanics, investigators, etc!



Now that you’ve chosen your stance, be sure to draw your lyte with their new body type!
An image of them as a lavaling and as an adult side by side should be included in your post to make the approval process easier.

If new ferroii are added, please be sure to specify clearly in the description as if it were any other post, and add it to both the lavaling and adult versions drawn.

Once drawn, be sure to include the form below in your description!

The current name of your lyte!

Approval Image:
A link to their original approval!

Body Type:
Biped or Quad!

Body Style:
Raptor, Stubby, etc.!

A list of all of your lyte's current Ferroii!

Image Requirements:
A link to the three images required, whether it follows the magical path or the non-magical path!


*Magic Approval:

*Only for lytes following the magical path: a link to the comment where your lyte's Natural magic was approved!

And don’t forget to count your Halogens! Both the Lavaling version and Astrolyte version can count for Halogens in this one image.
Here’s what a completed description should look like:

Astrolyte Description Example


The final step is to get your Astrolyte approved! 

Create a forum post with the proper description filled in to give them an official date of approval! Once a forum post has been made, they will become an official adult!

Since we are an open species, you do not need to wait for a mod to approve your grow-up for it to be accepted! Be sure to update your tracker with each new approval, as keeping track of your current lytes will rely on you!

Click Here to Visit the Astrolyte Approval Forum!

Now that your lyte is a full grown adult, they are able to partake in many more group functions such as earning Astrolyte-only ferroii, participating in certain events, and even fully learning magic!

If you would like to check in, feel free to jump into our Discord! We have a specific channel called The Bakery that’s designed to help out with approvals!

To the right is an invite link to join!

Astrolytes Discord

© 2019-2022 by the Astrolytes Team

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