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 Grow-Up Guide

It’s finally time for your little Boneling to grow up!

Understanding this guide requires knowledge of the Standard Growing Up Guide. Please read over that one first before continuing!

[Standard Grow-Up Guide]


The requirements for growing up are the same as with Standard lytes!


Once you have those completed, it’s time to pick your stance! There is one category of stances, that being Risen, and there are 3 possible styles under it!

You are free to give your lyte different body types, just be sure to keep it recognizable as their given stance when checking with mods for approval!

Bonelyte Anatomy

Risen - Walker

The Walker Stance is the most upright out of the Bone stances! They still slightly hunch forward, but have fairly standard posture outside of that. They retain their skull, exposed spine, and additional bones behind their hooves, though their tail gains a fourth segment!

Walkers are fairly standard as far as Bonelytes go, often being slow-moving and tranquil like the other stances. They have the most versatile stance and tend to be found all over Unkiri!

Walkers are often found in a myriad of jobs, such as architects, maintenance, etc!

Bonelyte Anatomy

Risen - Lurker

The Lurker Stance has a very hunched over posture, being nearly parallel to the ground despite being bipedal! They have larger hind legs that carry the torso ahead of them, and arms that hand down in front. They retain their skull, exposed spine, and additional bones behind their hooves, though their tail gains a fourth segment!

Lurkers often disappear into crowds, being bent far below most bipeds and even some quads. They can easily navigate tighter areas and commonly prefer to stick to the cities and more wooded areas of Unkiri!

Lurkers are often found in skill and patience related occupations, such as caretakers, doctors, and so on!

Bonelyte Anatomy

Risen - Crawler

Opposite of Lurkers, Crawlers are often very noticeable due to their bulkier build as far as Bonelytes go. They typically need a bit more space to move around, and like to keep to towns and more open pieces of Unkiri!

Crawlers are often found in high-ranking or balance based jobs such as government officials, researchers, and more!

The Crawler Stance is the only quadruped Bone stance, and an odd one at that! They have a sloped back with smaller hind legs. Their larger arms curl up near the wrist, resulting in their hooves pointing upwards. They retain their skull, exposed spine, and additional bones behind their hooves, though their tail gains a fourth segment!

Bonelyte Anatomy


Now that you’ve chosen your stance, be sure to draw your lyte with their new body type!
An image of them as a lavaling and as an adult side by side should be included in your post to make the approval process easier.

If new ferroii are added, please be sure to specify clearly in the description as if it were any other post, and add it to both the lavaling and adult versions drawn.

The description form needed is the same as on the Standard Growing Up Guide!


The final step is to get your Bonelyte approved! 

Create a forum post with the proper description filled in to give them an official date of approval! Once a forum post has been made, they will become an official adult!

Since we are an open species, you do not need to wait for a mod to approve your grow-up for it to be accepted! Be sure to update your tracker with each new approval, as keeping track of your current lytes will rely on you!

Click Here to Visit the Astrolyte Approval Forum!

Now that your lyte is a full grown adult, they are able to partake in many more group functions such as earning Astrolyte-only ferroii, participating in certain events, and even fully learning magic!

If you would like to check in, feel free to jump into our Discord! We have a specific channel called The Bakery that’s designed to help out with approvals!

To the right is an invite link to join!

Astrolytes Discord

© 2019-2022 by the Astrolytes Team

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