Subspecies Ferroii
Welcome to the Subspecies Ferroii page!
These are lavaling-friendly ferroii! They can only be applied to their respective subspecies unless acquired by different means!
Pygmy-Specific Ferroii
Blooming Eye
Halogens Needed: 180
Other Requirements: Animate your lyte watching a flower bloom! Your lyte must be 3 months old!
The flower should be closed as a Pygmyling, but may open once grown. The flower can have any design! It can only occupy 1 eye at a time. It is up to the user on whether or not it effects the lyte's sight! Can be any color already on your lyte or a natural flower color.
Thorny Tongue
Halogens Needed: 20
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte communicating with a plant or animal!
Must remain the base color of the tongue!
Flowering Horns
Halogens Needed: 40
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 1 week old!
The flowers should be closed as a Pygmyling, but may open once grown. The flowers can have any design, but must match unless Mismatch is applied! Can be any color already on your lyte or a natural flower color.
Leaf Ears
Halogens Needed: 90
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 1 month old!
Can follow any style of leaf! Can be any color already on your lyte or a natural leaf color.
Garden Wings
Halogens Needed: 200
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte gardening! Your lyte must be 2 months old!
A set of wings styled after any sort of leaf or plant!
Halogens Needed: ???
Other Requirements: ???
Draco-Specific Ferroii
Dual Horns
Halogens Needed: 25
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 1 week old!
All horns must match unless Mismatch is applied!
Thermal Vents
Halogens Needed: 60
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte breathing fire!
The vents and smoke can be any color already on your lyte or a natural fire color!
Draconic Plating
Halogens Needed: 200
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte curling up into a ball! Your lyte must be 1 month old!
Plating can cover the entire body or just certain parts!
Spike Removal
Halogens Needed: 50
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 3 weeks old!
Can remove all or just certain standard Draco spikes!
Halogens Needed: ???
Other Requirements: ???
Halogens Needed: ???
Other Requirements: ???
Sun-Specific Ferroii
Eye Color
Halogens Needed: 0
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 2 weeks old!
Allows for an eye color aside from white to be added!
Halogens Needed: 10
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 1 week old!
Must be a standard Astrolyte style nose unless other nose ferroii are applied!
Feathered Frill
Halogens Needed: 85
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte interacting with a bird nest in some way!
Can be any color already on your lyte!
Hoof Wings
Halogens Needed: 120
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte flying or levitating! Your lyte must be 1 month old!
Can be located on all limbs or a select few! Comes in 4 variants — Angel, Web, Ray, & Whisp! Webbed and Whisp variants can be transparent or opaque.
Feather Changer
Halogens Needed: 50
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 3 weeks old!
Can increase or decrease the amount of feathers located behind the ears and tail! Must have at least 1 in each location.
Halogens Needed: ???
Other Requirements: ???
Naga-Specific Ferroii
Serrated Jaws
Halogens Needed: 110
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte losing a tooth! Any other tooth ferrosome needed first! Your lyte must be 2 months old!
Can have up to 3 series of teeth! Can be combined with other teeth ferroii for different styles.
Hiss Hood
Halogens Needed: 55
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte trying to make themself appear bigger than they are! Your lyte must be 2 weeks old!
Can lay flat and spread out!
Halogens Needed: 220
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte breathing underwater! Your lyte must be 1 month old!
The snake can be any species and any length, just try to keep it reasonable! They can either be a color on your Astrolyte already or mimic a real life snake’s patterns. Must be located where Heavenly Hair is typically placed!
Venom Pouch
Halogens Needed: 100
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 1 month old!
Can be any color already on your lyte!
Belly Scales
Halogens Needed: 85
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 3 months old!
Can have any basic pattern of scales! Can be located anywhere from the jaw to the tail.
Rattle Tail
Halogens Needed: 20
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte hissing!
Can have any recognizable rattle shape! Cannot be applied to tails with no true tail tip [Splash Tail, Prick! Tail, etc.]
Myth-Specific Ferroii
Halogens Needed: 15
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 2 weeks old!
Can be placed inside or outside of the mouth! May be styled as any type of insect mandible. Can be any color already on your lyte!
Mouth Mist
Halogens Needed: 50
Other Requirements: Write a short story [100+ words] about your lyte putting their thoughts into words!
Mist Horns
Halogens Needed: 50
Other Requirements: Complete at least 3 artworks of another artist’s Astrolyte!
Horns should remain small unless combined with a different horn shape. Can loosely follow other horn shapes, but must remain a misty texture.
Trailing Mist
Halogens Needed: 110
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte using their extra pair of arms to interact with something!
Can be applied to all limbs, or just a select few!
Mist Mane
Halogens Needed: 145
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte daydreaming!
Allows for a short mane of mist to run down your lyte’s spine!
Fused Mist
Halogens Needed: 220
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 2 months old!
Fuses any section of mist directly into the location it sprouts from! Can fuse all mist sections, or just a select few.
Zap-Specific Ferroii
Glowing Tail
Halogens Needed: 25
Other Requirements: Draw a glowing animation of your lyte (can have the Glowing Tail ferrosome applied for this)! Your lyte must be 1 week old!
Must have the same colors as the energy pockets! Effectively turns the tail into an energy pocket and follows the same rules as the standard placements.
Shaped Antennae
Halogens Needed: 80
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 1 month old!
Allows the antennae to bend / curl / etc, and for the tips to change shape!
Warped Energy Pockets
Halogens Needed: 45
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte in an old toony style!
Allows other texture ferroii (fur, scales, spikes, etc.) to affect energy pocket areas!
Bolt Ears
Halogens Needed: 115
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 3 weeks old!
Should only have 2 short "bends!"
Metal Shards
Halogens Needed: 180
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte paralyzing another lyte or creature!
Can appear anywhere on your lyte's body except for energy pockets! They remain metal if placed over lavalamps.
Bolt Tail
Halogens Needed: 100
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 2 weeks old!
Should only have 2 short "bends" unless Slicker's Tail is applied!
Metallic Tail
Halogens Needed: 50
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 1 month old!
Turns the entire tail into a metal matching their back spikes! Can be applied to any tail type.
Plasma Tail
Halogens Needed: 125
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte near lightning!
Can be any colors!
Halogens Needed: ???
Other Requirements: ???
Bone-Specific Ferroii
Eye Color
Halogens Needed: 0
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 2 weeks old!
Allows for an eye color aside from white to be added!
Skull Changer
Halogens Needed: 100
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte shaking their head as a result of something! Your lyte must be 2 months old!
Any recognizable skull shape is acceptable!
Dyed Bones
Halogens Needed: 40
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte using an inverted or rearranged color palette!
Allows the skull / spine / tail / etc. to be colored any single unnatural color, or for markings to be applied to them!
Glowing Bones
Halogens Needed: 90
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte out during the nighttime!
Can glow any color! Can make every visible bone glow, or just a select few.
Detached Bones
Halogens Needed: 150
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte speaking to the dead!
Allows bones to float a distance away from where they would usually be attached! Can make every visible bone detached, or just a select few.
Creeping Fog
Halogens Needed: 55
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte in an area covered by fog! Your lyte must be 1 month old!
Can be any color! Can be translucent or opaque!
Plush-Specific Ferroii
Halogens Needed: 20
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 1 week old!
Does not actually give your lyte a normal eye, only adds an additional color to give the appearance of sclera! Can be placed to have your lyte "look" towards any direction. Must be white unless Colored Sclera is applied.
Button Swap
Halogens Needed: 65
Other Requirements: Your lyte must be 3 weeks old!
Allows for the button to have any different shape than the standard design! Must remain the original eye color.
Halogens Needed: 185
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte trying to get to something out of their reach!
Can affect the limbs, tail, & torso! Turns a portion of your lyte into an extendable slinky.
Altered Stitching
Halogens Needed: 15
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte sewing or making something out of fabric!
Allows the stitch patterns to be rearranged in any way, or for the stitches to become a different color! If edited, the stitches can be any color!
Loose Seams
Halogens Needed: 60
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte trying to fix something that has been broken!
Allows for seams and patches to become frayed / worn thin / loose! Can affect any part of the body.
Halogens Needed: 170
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte playing with a toy / figurine / etc!
Adds a winding key of any design to your lyte! Typically placed on the back, but can be applied anywhere.
Additional Icicles
Halogens Needed: 70
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte trying to create something using ice!
Allows for any amount of extra icicles to be added to your lyte! They may be added anywhere.
Yarn Tail
Halogens Needed: 200
Other Requirements: Draw your lyte freezing an object in midair!
Can be any color! Can be any thickness or type of thread. May remain as a ball or have strands trailing off.
Halogens Needed: ???
Other Requirements: ???