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MYO Guide

Remember, the 1 free Subspecies MYO slot only accounts for Basic Subspecies!

These can only be obtained through rarer circumstances, so be sure to check out the other Secondary Subspecies first before making your decision!

Understanding this guide requires knowledge of the Standard MYO Guide. Please read over that one first before continuing!

[Standard Guide]

[Myth Guide] [Zap Guide] [Bone Guide]

Plushlytes were one of the last subspecies to evolve, if evolving is even the right word for their creation. Mizu keeps the real story under lock and key, but they aren't thought to be... natural. The only clues known are rumours about the so called 'life giving' spring that no one is allowed access to - most don't even know if it's real. Despite this mysterious beginning, Plushlytes are very well adapted to their environment with thick fur and 'button' eye-covers that protect from the harsh winds of Zima. The ice shards on their limbs make it easy for them to climb steep surfaces, and they're much less likely to get frostbitten due to their stubby tails and stocky build. The 'stitching' covering their body draws heat from the outer environment, keeping them warm even during the most intense winter nights. Their clear connection to Freeze magic makes it much easier for them to learn.


Plushling Anatomy

Plushlings are a Secondary Subspecies, and have the bulkiest build, even rivaling Dracos despite still being shorter. They have an extremely small tail & a very short neck, with a large mane of fluff surrounding it and continuing down their belly. Ice shards are placed right behind their thick hooves, with 3 on the front limbs and 2 on the back. A large, button-like shell with 4 connected holes covers their eyes, and ‘stitching’ runs across their entire body.

Lavalamp Placements, Colors & Markings, Lavalamp Colors

All of these function as normal for MYO Plushlings, except:

Neck & Belly Placements are not allowed on Plushlings!
Limb Placements are acceptable, but they do not turn the ice shards into lavalamps!

Anything Else

Everything listed here previously on the Standard MYO Guide function as normal! There are a few extra Plush-specific items to mention, though.

Ice Shards: These can either be any natural ice color or the lavalamp colors of your lyte! They must be one solid color, but can have a shine to them if you’d like.

Neck Poof: This can be any base, secondary, or lava color already on your Plushling!

Button Eyes: The colors of these function just like regular eyes! They should only be one solid color, and they have no sclera! These can only shift a bit to show emotion — they don’t have a way of “closing.”

Stitching: Stitching must appear in the areas shown in the example! It only does not appear over lavalamp placements.

Here’s a good example of what a MYO Plushling could look like!

Plushling Example

Template & Description

Now that your lyte has been fully designed, just throw them onto a template with the proper description, and they’ll be almost to approval!
Click below to find Click below to find a PSD of the template, or click here for a PNG version! 

Plush Template

Now all you have to do is fill out the description for your lyte!
It’s the exact same info that is listed on the Standard MYO Guide, but under Species be sure to put Plushling!


The final step is to get your Plushling approved! 
Upload them to and create a forum post with the proper description filled in to give them an official date of creation! Once a forum post has been made, they can be submitted to the Astrolytes World and become an official lyte!

Since we are an open species, you do not need to wait for a mod to approve your lyte for them to be accepted into the world! Be sure to update your tracker with each new approval, as keeping track of your current lytes will rely on you!

If you need any additional help on the forums [how to code something in, image breaking, etc.], feel free to contact an admin or helper - we'll be happy to help!

Click Here to Visit the Lavaling Approval Forum!

If you would like to check in anyway, feel free to jump into our Discord! We have a specific channel called The Bakery that’s designed to help out with approvals!

To the right is an invite link to join!

Astrolytes Discord

© 2019-2022 by the Astrolytes Team

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