Plural: Felinanders
Young: Fae
Group: Clutter
Felinanders are a much more uncommon pet than musals but are sought after for their added magics! They’re usually found in environments matching their personal element.

Looks & Anatomy
Due to Felinanders being a very element-based species, their looks rely heavily on what magic they are connected to. For example, Burn Felinanders would most likely consist of reds and pinks, while those connected to Flow would be more on the blue to indigo scale. They have independent traits relating to this as well!
Felinanders tend to have very sleek builds, having long legs and an even longer tail. Tall ears sit on top of their flat head, and they often have an underbite. A gel-like substance covers their tail tip in the shape of their connected element, as well as 4 thick whiskers above their mouth.
A row of shallow indents runs from their head to the tip of their tail, 3 being organized onto each side of their face. A darker sclera surrounds their lighter irises and pupils, which are separated with a ring of sclera color.

Tail Tips

Behavior & Diet
Felinanders are another friendly species, but are known to be aloof or feisty in certain environments. Being quite intelligent compared to other pets, it’s not uncommon for owners to have their pets help out with whatever task they are currently trying to accomplish. They are the companion most capable of surviving alone in the wild or becoming stray, leading to many finding their own owners rather than specifically being adopted.
They have been seen to have varying personalities no matter who they are, but the elements do bring their own little stereotypes that show up every now and then.
Growth: The best word to describe these Felinanders would probably be “motherly.” They have an instinct to take care or any living thing around them, and come off as quite gentle. They are fairly affectionate to anyone they meet as well.
Burn: With an outwardly aggressive attitude, these guys don’t tend to be the most popular pets out there. They’re really just overly protective of those they connect with, and are often used as guards or to keep an eye on children.
Sky: These Felinanders often appear distant, preferring to stay high up on the rooftops instead of alongside their owners. They do occasionally show affection, but spend most of their time off in their own world.
Flow: With an unsurprising love for the water, these fishy friends are always on the lookout for some place to swim. They’re very happy and bubbly when around their element, but appear tired when out of the water for too long.
Mind: This element comes off as quite a mystery, with the Felinanders connected to it often deciding to just stare at their owners for extended periods of time. With the ability to float, it isn’t uncommon at all to see these pets hovering in odd positions with unblinking eyes.
Strike: Energetic and rambunctious, these pets seem to have a never-ending supply of excitement. They can often be seen running from place to place, and can’t sit still for more than a few seconds before needing to jump back up again.
Decay: Definitely one of the more odd branches of the species, these Felinanders seem to have a fascination with dead things. Specifically, bringing those dead things to their owners. Despite their less-than-wanted presents, they seem to be weirdly lovable and form strong connections with those around them.
Freeze: Quite the opposite of their strike counterparts, these pets are best described as lethargic. They generally just enjoy laying around doing nothing, and seem to have no care for anything - unless you try moving them from their current loaf-spot. They’re content with anyone that lets them lay on their lap.
Elements tend to influence a lot of their character and actions, enhanced by the fact that they can "perform" magic connecting to their element! It is often a limited version of the magic meant to help the felinander survive or thrive, such as Growth felinanders growing plants to attract prey, or Burn felinanders igniting something to stay warm. More difficult abilities such as Mind felinanders floating rather than sitting or Freeze felinanders freezing their immediate surroundings can make training these pets a bit of a challenge, but they rarely use more destructive skills on purpose.
Felinanders typically make deeper and more subtle sounds. Quiet, purr-esque noises to more conversational "mrrp" / "rrow" exclamations are the most common, but much like musals, they are able to create a variety of vocals!
Felinanders are carnivores, but the specific treats they like most depends on the pet! They generally seem to be attracted to whatever matches their element [Flow may like fish, Burn may prefer reptiles, etc], but really any small animals or meat products will do.
Reproduction & Offspring
Felinanders don’t breed nearly as often as their musal counterparts and only produce litters of 1-4 children each breeding.
Their babies are called faes, and are roughly half the size of the average adult! They mostly just appear as pint-sized Felinanders, having only one indent on each side of their face and much shorter whiskers, legs, and tails. Their ears are still very tall, but they just flop over with the weight.

An Ordinary felinander can have up to TWO Ordinary traits and no Unique traits.
A Peculiar felinander can have up to TWO Ordinary traits and up to ONE Unique trait.
A Unique felinander can have up to TWO Ordinary traits and up to THREE Unique traits.
An Exclusive felinander can have any amount of Ordinary, Unique, and Exclusive traits.
Going above the stated trait limits counts as a Unique trait (i.e. If a felinander had three Ordinary traits, they would still be considered a Peculiar felinander despite having no blatant Unique traits.)
Traits are color-coded by element! Only felinanders of that element can harbor that trait, so please pay attention to colors!
In order: Growth, Burn, Sky, Flow, Mind, Strike, Decay, Freeze
NOTE: Basic element felinanders have a type of trait they are required to have. It does not count towards their total of Ordinary traits and is treated more like a base anatomy feature with a choice! The required traits are as follows:
Growth felinanders must have one fur trait!
Burn felinanders must have one spike trait!
Sky felinanders must have one wing trait!
Flow felinanders must have one scale trait!
Short Fur
Long Fur
Short Tail
Short Ears
No Ears
Short Claws
Back Plating
Head Spikes
Body Spikes
Short Fur
Medium Fur
Sharp Ears
Sharp Back Spines
Fluffy Ear Tips
Short Claws
Small Wings
Medium Wings
Sugar Wings
Paw Pads
Short Fur
Rounded Scales
Jagged Scales
Tail Fins
Long Whiskers
Neck Pouch
Webbed Paws
Webbed Ears
Short Fur
Floating Back Spikes
Multi Eyes
Multi Ears
Flop Ears
Gel Ears
Short Fur
Body Spikes
Short Claws
Long Claws
Zig-Zag Ears
Zig-Zag Whiskers
Short Fur
Forked Tongue
Small Horns
Drooping Ears
No Ears
Back Spikes
Short Claws
Short Fur
Long Fur
Short Claws
Small Ears
Jagged Mouth
Long Claws
Retractable Claws
Petal Fluff
Back Hooves
Double Ears
Short Tail
Long Claws
Neck Frill
Swirl Ears
Four Wings
Flappy Ears
Long Tail
Droop Ears
Waterfall Ears
Ray Arms
Dorsal Fin
Side Fins
Three Toes
Angler Lure
Multi Tails
Mist Wings
Detached Limbs
Floating Rings
Double Spines
Lightning Rod
Belly Scales
Shaped Pupils
Large Horns
Whisp Wings
Gel Tail
Long Claws
Large Ice Crystals
Button Eyes
Empress Fur
A felinander's main color range depends on its element!
Growth: Blueish Green to Yellowish Green
Burn: Bright Orange to Pinkish Red
Sky: Orange to Deep Red
Flow: Medium Blue to Indigo
Mind: Pink to Blueish Purple
Strike: Pale Yellow to Orangish Yellow
Decay: Greens to Any Desaturated/Dark Color
Freeze: Pale Greenish Blue to Pale Purplish Blue
They typically have 1 base color, up to 3 secondaries, and up to 2 accent colors. The secondaries must visibly be similar to the base in hue — it does not have to be exact. The accents can be any color, but both should be of similar hues.
More than 3 secondaries or more than 2 accents are considered Unique traits.
Secondary colors that don’t correlate with the base is considered a Unique trait.
Accent colors that don't correlate with one another is considered a Unique trait.
For specific markings (e.g. stripes), up to one marking may be picked for Ordinary felinanders. Two or more markings counts as a Unique trait.
Felinander Collars
Felinander Collars are items in the group! If you have obtained a Felinander Collar, that means you are permitted to either request a custom felinanderto be designed by an admin / helper or design your own felinander!
Every collar has a rarity attached which must be followed using the trait guidelines above.
To order a custom felinander, reply on the Item Usage forum with the form below!
Proof of Item:
Desired Element/s:
Desired Color/s:
Desired Marking Type/s:
Desired Trait/s:
Desired colors/markings/traits do not have to follow the exact trait limit rules when requesting a custom - you can be vague, explain your exact preferences, or give a range of specific traits for the designer to pick from!
Any element can be chosen using a collar!
To design your own felinander, draw your desired companion and submit them to the Companion Approvals forum! An admin or helper will assist from there.
Companion designs can be checked in our Discord channel, #the_bakery, before submitting to the forums as well!